Definition and scope of food science
Food Science
Food science is the application of basic science and food engineering to study the fundamental physical, chemical and biochemical properties of food and food processing.
Food science is the application of basic science and food engineering to study the fundamental physical, chemical and biochemical properties of food and food processing.
Food science was
first used to describe the activities involved in moving food from farm to
table. This implied the trans formation of raw materials to usable food stuffs,
wheat to bread, animals to meat, milk to butter and cheese.
Food science is
inevitably drawn into certain aspects of farming on the one hand and into
problems of human and animal nutrition on the other. Food science may be
applied to develop technological processes designed to produce sophisticated
foods to increase the palatability of the consumers. The development of food
science and technology that enables foods to be preserved by canning,
dehydration and freezing so that they can be produced and processed in those
parts of the world best suited to their culture, transported safety half round
the world and be made available to distant markets at any season of the year.
Its relationship
with food chemistry, food microbiology and food processing:
Food chemistry is
the science that studies the composition of the earth and it has been built up
mainly from observation and experiment. The rapid growth of the food industry,
into big business and the changes in the number of items on the grocer’s
shelves, the many ready to eat products, the new control on food additives and
the attempts to standardize some food articles, all serve to emphasize the
growing importance of the chemistry of foods.
Dependednt os the
science of food is on biology, bacteriology and mycology as well as chemistry,
it was necessary for all sciences to develop to the point where education (to
make clearer) of the complex mixtures encountered in foods become accurate and
meaningful. Fortunately research of significance to food chemistry is now
appearing not only in journals devoted exclusively to food problems but also in
those in the fields of biology, chemistry, engineering and even physics.
The nineteenth
century saw the development of ornganic chemistry, analytical chemistry and
physical chemistry – all essencitl to thegrowth of food chemistry and our
understanding of it. The pace at which discoveries were made and at which
advances occurred increased thourghout the century. The field of CHO, began to
fit together, proteins mere recognized and many other compounds of importance
in food chemistry were studied.
Food Technology: is
the used information generated by food science in selection. Processing
preservation and utilization of food science affects the consumption of safe
nutritions and whole some food. Since food science is a broad conception it
contains many other specialization in it such as :
Food Engineering,
food Microbiology, food chemistry
Food Engineering
deals with the conversion of all raw agricultural ingredients such as wheat to
a finished product such as flour or baked goods. It also covers the unit
operation mechanism and chemical aspects.
Food Microbiology
deals with ecology of food. The role of environment in food spoilage, the
presence and nature of micro organisms responsible for food spoilage and the
physical, chemical, biological changes brought about by them. Food microbiology
also deals with the study of public health and sanitation.
Food chemistry
helps in understanding the physical and chemical nature of food and the changes takes place during processing
and storage of food
Food processing
deals with the general characteristics of food raw materials, harvesting,
assembling and receiving of raw
materials, methods of food preservation, processing objectives including
factors influenceing food acceptability
and preferences, packaging and water, waste disposal and sanitation.
The kind of careers
that a food scientist might follow include food development, quality control,
sensory specialist, flowur chemist, food safety research and education. It si
because of food science amazing achievements have taken place in the food
industry. It is a fact that the food industry is able on the most part to
supply the cheap, healthy and safe food.
Ecology – relation
of plants and living creatures to each other and thieir environment
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Energy that is
needed to move, perform work and live is chiefly consumed in the form of
carbohydrates. Carbohydrates, primarily starches, are least expensive, easily
obtained and readily digested form of fuel.
Carbohydrates are
organic compounds composed of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, with the later
elements in the ratio of 2:1. The general formula is CnH2nOn. They are viewed
as hydrated carbon atoms.
are classified, depending on the number of sugar units they contain, as simple
carbohydrate and complex carbohydrates.
and disaccharides make up simple carbohydrates, called simple sugars containing
one and two sugar units respectively. Polysaccharides called complex carbohydrates
are structurally larger and more complex than simple sugars. They include
starch, dietary fibre and glycogen.
There are two
main classes of monosaccharides based on the carbonyl group present in them.
They are aldoses and ketoses, aldoses (eg; glucose) containing the aldehyde
group (CHO) and ketoses, (eg;- fructose) containing the ketone group (C=O). Aldoses
are further divided into trioses, tetroses, pentoses and hexoses based on the
number of carbon atoms. The common disaccharides are Maltose, Lactose and Sucrose
which on hydrolysis yield two monosaccharide units.
hydrolysis Glucose + Glucose
hydrolysis Glucose + Galactose
hydrolysis Glucose + Fructose
have high molecular weight and are insoluble in water. They are in the form of
long chains either branched or un branched.
polysaccharides are further classified into groups depending upon the products
they yield on hydrolysis.
yield only one type of monosaccharide units on hydrolysis e.g.:- starch,
dextrin, cellulose, glycogen.
yield more than one type of monosaccharide units on hydrolysis e.g.:- Heparin,
Hyaluronic acid.
Heparin is an
anticoagulant found in the liver, spleen, lungs and blood. Hyaluronic acid is
found in the umbilical cord, synovial fluid and vitreous humour. It has a
lubricating action. In tissues it forms an important part of the cementing
ground substance.
The sugars are
also classified as reducing and non reducing sugar. The reducing property is
attributed to the free aldehyde or keto group.
perform the following functions.
1. Energy:
The principle
function of carbohydrates is to serve as a major source of energy for the body.
Each gram of carbohydrate yields 4Kcal of energy regardless of its source. In
Indian diets 60 – 80 % of energy is derived from carbohydrate.
2. Glucose:
Glucose is
indispensable for the maintenance of the functional integrity of the nervous
tissue and is the sole source of energy for the proper functioning of the
brain. Prolonged lack of glucose may cause irreversible damage to the brain.
3. Protein
Sparing Action:
exert a protein sparing action. If sufficient amounts of carbohydrates are not
available in the diet, the body will convert protein to glucose in order to
supply energy. Hence to spare proteins for tissue building, carbohydrates must
be supplied in optimum amounts in the diet. This is called the protein sparing
action of carbohydrates.
4. Fat Metabolism:
are essential to maintain normal fat metabolism. Insufficient carbohydrates in
the diet results in larger amounts of fat being used for energy than the body
is equipped to handle. This leads to accumulation of acidic intermediate products
called ketone bodies.
5. Synthesis of
Body Substances:
aid in the synthesis of nonessential aminoacids, glycoproteins (which function
as antibodies) and glycolipids (which form a part of cell membrane in body
tissues especially brain and nervous system). Lactose remains in the intestine
longer than other disaccharides and thus encourages growth of beneficial
6. Precursors of
Nucleic Acid:
and products derived from them, serve as precursors of compounds like nucleic
acids, connective tissue matrix and galactosides of nervous tissue.
Detoxification Function:
Glucuronic acid,
a metabolite of glucose serves as a detoxifying agent. It combines with harmful
substances containing alcohol or phenolic group converting them to harmless
compounds which
are later
8. Roughage of
the Diet:
Insoluble fibres
known as composite carbohydrates can absorb water and give bulk to the
intestinal contents which aids in the elimination of waste products by stimulating
movements of the
gastrointestinal tract.
Types of Carbohydrates
Carbohydrates can be classified on the basis of their chemical
composition. These are the most easily available and the largest set of
compounds on the Earth. Based on the complexity of their structures, there are
five major classes of carbohydrates. These are described in brief as follows.
These are the basic compounds with a cyclic structure consisting of
carbon, hydrogen and oxygen in the ratio 1:2:1. 'Mono' refers to single and
saccharides means sugar. Glucose, fructose and galactose are types of
These carbohydrates mean 'two sugars', which refer to the commonly
available types such as sucrose, maltose and lactose. When two monosaccharides
bond together by a condensation reaction, they release one molecule of water
and a disaccharide is formed. This bond is called a glycosidic bond.
These are carbohydrates with more than two basic types of sugar
molecules, usually between three and ten basic units. Their main function in
the body is the storage of glucose. Raffinose and stachyose are the main types
of oligosaccharides which consist of repetitive chains of fructose, galactose
and glucose.
These are also called monomers and are composed of thousands of molecules
of the basic units of glucose. Carbohydrates stored in the form of starch
contain these type of compounds. Amylose, which is a straight chain compound
and amylopectin, which is a branched compound, are the most common types of
It is another complex carbohydrate which contains many molecules of
cyclic sugar. Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and ribonucleic acid (RNA) are
complex five sided sugars classified under this category. The difference
between RNA and DNA is that the former has one extra hydroxyl group.
Effect of cooking on starch:
Heat Effect: It leads to dextrinization. It is the process by which the large
starch structures enmeshed together is broken down into smaller polysaccharides
till dextrins are formed. This process has following effects :
Dextrins reduce the thickening power of the starch in the foods.
Bring about surface browing and colour to food like toasted roasted and baked
Changes the flavor as experienced with bread and toast.
Changes the texture of final products which become crispon the surface but
retain their juiciness and natural flavours.
. Imparts a delicate sweetness to products
Improves digestibility of starch food.
Effect of Moist Heat:
When starch or
starchy food is subjected to moist heat the starch granules take up the water
and swell. The granular wall burst and the starchy contents spill out to mingle
with water to form a solution which is milky in appearance.
Even starch has a temperature range with in which the starch becomes more
viscous and forms a gel, which resists flow. The process by which it takes
place is called gelation.
gels (viscous mixture) on further heating the solution become transparent and
forms a network of amylose, amylopectin and water held together by
intermolecular bonds. All the free water gets enmeshed in a matrix indirected
by a coating on the back of the spoon. The hot mixture when poured into a mould
and allowed to cool, sets into a form structure which when unmoulded retain the
shapes of the container. This process is called gelatinization.
: When a moulded starch is kept for a
time in the refrigeration or cut and after that put into some hot water for a
while so that starts and comes out of the structure which is distributed . This
process is reference is synerisis.
: when some cooked gels showing synerisis inhibit further realignment of the
amylopectin fractions to further after the structure the process is termed as
the retrogradation.
Uses of Starches in Food Preparation:
Starch in the form of the corn flour, refined wheat flour, rice flour and arrow
root are used for thickening. The gravies, soups, puddings etc.
: in cutlets
Starches are often used in the form of pabtis to coat food before frying. This
gives the products crispness and seals in the flabour by forming a barrier to
evaporation of food contents and provides smooth and golden apprearance to the
product by any crevices or irregularities on the surface.
Provides the gelling in porridge and puddings.
It provides the browning to the following products such as toast or chappati
due to dextrinization.
Sugars are
classified as
glucose, galactose, fructose
Maltose, lactose and sucrose
– glycogen, dexrrin, pectin, starch etc.
Uses of sugars:
Candies - burfies, caramels, chewy and gummy products
– sugar syrup it may be single thread, two thread or three thread
– sugar crystals.
sugar – when sucrose is heated in the presence of acid/ enzyme equal amount of
dextrose and lacillose are formed this mixture is known as invert sugar
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are an important component of the diet and is present naturally in many foods.
Fats are solid at room temperature while oils are liquid. Fats in the diet can
be of two kinds viz., the visible and the invisible fat.Invisible fats are
those present inherently in foods. Example of food containing appreciable
quantities of invisible fat include meat, poultry, fish, dairy products, eggs,
nuts and seeds. Visible fats are those fats that are made from these products.
They are cooking oils, salad oils, butter, ghee and margarine.
They are a concentrated source of energy. One gram
of fat contributes 9 kilocalories as against 4 kilocalories contributed by
carbohydrates and protein.
They are a good source of vitamin A,D,E and K.
They provide essential fatty acids which are
components of
of living cells.
They impart special flavour and texture to our
foods, thus
They are also used by the body to make
in a large variety of vital physiological functions.
and fats do not occur free in nature. They occur in animal tissues and in seeds
and fruits from which they are isolated. The extracted oils are crude and
contain many constituents like free fatty acids, unsaponifiable matter, gums,
waxes, mucilaginous matter, variety of colouring matter, metallic contaminants
and undesirable odour producing constituents. In refining these constituents
are removed by the following steps:
Suspended particles are removed by filtration or centrifugation.
Free fatty acids are removed by alkali treatment.
Any remaining free fatty acids are removed by neutralisation.
Pigments are removed by bleaching using adsorbents
like activated earth or carbon and sometimes chemical bleaching agents.
The oil is finally deodorized by injecting steam
through the heated fat under reduced pressure to obtain refined oil.
oils contain a large percentage of unsaturated fatty acids and hence have a
tendency to become rancid. These unsaturated glycerides in oil can be converted
to more saturated glycerides by the addition of hydrogen. This process is known
as hydrogenation.
fat is manufactured from vegetable oils by the addition of molecular hydrogen
to the double bonds in the unsaturated fatty acids in the presence of nickel. The
double bonds take up hydrogen and saturated fatty
are obtained. By this process, liquid fats can be converted to semi solid and
solid fats for use as shortening in the preparation of biscuits, cakes and
butter substitutes.
is of great economic importance because it allows oils to be converted into
fats, which have better keeping quality.As hydrogenated fats are prepared from
refined deodourised oils, the resulting fats are odourless and colourless and
blend well in several food preparations.
oil in India is known as vanaspathi. It is manufactured by hydrogenating refined
groundnut oil or a mixture of groundnut oil with other edible vegetable oils. According
to vanaspathi control order, the melting point of vanaspathi should be between
31°C and 37° C and it should contain 5 percent
sesame oil and should be fortified with vitamin A.
is often used as a substitute for butter. It is made from vegetable oils or a
mixture of vegetable and animal fat by hydrogenation. It is then blended with
cultured skim milk and salt. The fats most commonly used in the manufacture of
margarine are cotton seed oil, soyabean oil, corn oil, groundnut oil, coconut
oil and meat fat. Additional additives may include diacetyl for butter flavour,
sodium benzoate for preservation, mono and diglycerides or lecithin for
emulsification, yellow colouring matter and vitamin A and D.
: some cooking
oil become cloudy when they are stored in the reftrigerator. This occurs
because some of the triglyceride molecules in the oil have higher melting
points than other molecules in the mixture and crystallize or become solid at
the lower temperature. In manufacturing oils intended to be used primarily for
the making of salad dressings, a winterizing process is applied. In this
process, the temperature of the oil is lowered to a point at which the higher
melting triglycerides crystallize. Then the oil is filtered to remove the
crystal the remaining oil has a lower melting point and does not crystallize at
refrigerator temperature. It is referred to as salad oil. Removing the solid
particles is called winterization
: When fats are creamed with sugars as in
preparation of cake, butters, they help to incorporate air into the batter
making it tight and foamy. On baking the protein films coagulate enclosing the
air and making the end products light in texture and soft in mouthfeel. In
biscuits since foaming is not required the fat is rubbed into the flour gently
to provide slight aeration to impart a light crisp texture.
: Fats provide a
crumbly texture to food by foaming a film around the starch and protein
particles in flours preventing the formation of long gluten strands in them.
This accomplished when fat is rubbed into a flour gently using the tips of the
fingers only. Such treatment to flours before dough formation makes products
soft and tender or short after cooking. This effect is called shortening and is
used for making biscuits, cakes pie bases, pastry products etc. where a golden color
and crisp texture is required through baking and frying.
and oils undergo certain undesirable changes during storage which result in
spoilage. The major spoilage of fats and oils is rancidity. Rancidity refers to
the development of disagreeable odour and flavour in fats and oils owing to
specified chemical reaction such as oxidation and hydrolysis. Hydrolysis is the
decomposition of fats into free fatty acid and glycerol by enzymes in the
presence of moisture. These free fatty acids released are responsible for the
unpleasant flavour and odour. During oxidation, oxygen is added to the
unsaturated linkage and this results in the formation of peroxides. These
decompose to yield aldehyde and ketones which are responsible for the
pronounced off flavour. Rancidity may also be caused by the absorption of odour
and action of micro organism and enzymes.
of rancidity :
Storage in coloured glass containers prevent
oxidation of fats by rays of light.
Vacuum packaging retards rancidity by excluding oxygen.
Naturally occurring antioxidants like vitamin C, b carotene and vitamin E protect
against rancidity.
Synthetic antioxidants like butylated hydroxy
anisole (BHA), butylated hydroxy toluene (BHT) and propylgallate can also be
added to prevent rancidity.
of Rancidity
are 3 main types of Rancidity :
Rancidity: Hydrolysis of fats by lipase need not always produce off flavours.
Butter fat and coconut oil, butyric acid are set free by hydrolysis of lipase .
the odours of these acids contribute largely to the smell of rancid butter.
Rancidity : Common type of rancidity observed in all fats and oils. Addition of
oxygen to the unsaturated linkage results in the formation of peroxide which on
decomposition yields aldehydes and ketones having off flavor.
Rancidity : As a result of action of fungi such as Aspergillus Niger,
penicillium glaucum on coconut and other oil seeds.
fats and oils are heated to a high temperature, decomposition of fat occur and
finally a point is reached at which visible fumes are given off. This is called
smoking point and the temperature is called smoking temperatures of fat.
temperature is defined as the lowest temperature at which visible fumes
consisting of volatile gaseous products of decomposition are evolved. Beyond
the smoke point is the flash point where the combustion occurs.
affecting smoking temperature of fats and oils :
1. The
amount of free fatty acids present.
2. The
surface of oil exposed while heating.
3. The
presence of mono and diglycerides and foreign particles such as flour
particles. Smoking temperature is important for fats used for frying. Fats with
low smoke point are not suitable for frying because of the odour and irritating
effect of the fumes. The decomposition products may also give an unpleasant flavour
to the food. Hence it is preferable to use fats with relatively high smoking
temperatures for frying.
smoking points of some fats and oils are given
below :
points of some fats and oils
or fat Smoking temperature (° C)
oil 230
fat 221
fat 208
oil 162
oil 138
Reversion: Many refined
oils undergo change in flavor before the onset of rancidity. This process is
known as reversion. This is due to the fact that such fatty acids undergo
oxidation rapidly when exposed to air and decomposition products termed contribute
to the off flavor.
Fat is used as a medium of cooking in shallow and
deep fat frying.
Fat improves the texture of food. e.g., cake,
biscuit, cookies.
Fats help in leavening – in making cake, leavening occurs
by incorporating air into the fat during the leavening process.
Fat increases smoothness of the product e.g.,
Halwas, crystalline candies.
Fats are shortening agents- one of the most
important function of fat is to shorten baked products which otherwise are
solid masses firmly held together by strands of gluten.
Fat improves palatability – fat gives taste and
flavour to the food.
Properties of Fats :
1. Solubility
: Fats are soluble in ethyl ether, petroleum ether, acetone, hot alcohol and
benzene. The quantity of fat present in food materials is determined by
extraction with ethyl ether or petroleum ether.
2. Saponification
Value : THE saponification value is defined as the number of mg of potassium
hydroxide required to saponify 1g of fat or oil.
3. Iodine Value : Measure of the extent of
unsaturated fatty acids present in fats and oils. It is defined as the number
of grams of iodine absorbed by 100g of fat.
4. Acid
Value : No of mg of potassium hydroxide required to neutralize the free fatty
acids in 100 g of oil or fat. This value is expressed as percentage of oleic
5. Reichert
– Meissle Value : No. of ml of 0.1
Nitrogen Alkali required to neutralize steam volatile water soluble fatty acid
present in 5g sample.
6. Thicocyanogen
Value : Amount of Thicocyanogen absorbed by 100g of fat or oil.
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